Thursday, March 5, 2015


March 4 2015 It has been a week since we all heard the devastating news of our dear sweet Reeds disease. We are all in shock and are experiencing fear everyday, every moment of the day. I have shed a ocean of tears and begged God for Reeds life. I am trying so very hard to cling to my Savior; searching for verses in His word for comfort and hope. My moms favorite verse comes to mind often, Proverbs 3:5&6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your way.” What is something in this world that you trust with all your heart? As I sit here thinking about that question it is very hard to think of anything in this world that I can truly trust that much. Love for someone special can be something that we want to put that much trust in, but we all know that people are all faulted and love can fall apart. We long for certain things in our lives with our whole heart and sometimes put trust in ourselves to achieve these things, but alas not all of these desires come true, and may fall apart. God wants us to put our trust in what we can’t see instead of what we can see. If we could see everything that God is working on do you think we would like some of the ways He is working. I would say a resounding NO. I certainly don’t understand what He is doing with Reed and how He is working, but I choose to trust Him because I find hope in Him and that hope is so much better then hope in this faulted world. That brings me to leaning on our own understanding--- do you ever lay awake at night trying to understand why something may or may not be happening in your life? How futile is it to try and try to understand when understanding is not always possible. God brings understanding in His time and wants us to wait patiently for Him. I know, I know when your heart is breaking over a circumstance that may be happening or maybe it is not happening and you want it to; it can be so hard to “wait patiently”. We learn in Psalm 5:3 we are to “wait in expectation for God to answer prayer.” In Psalm 40:1 we read “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He turned to me and heard my cry.” Don’t get me wrong I still don’t understand and I have a very hard time waiting patiently when my little boy is hurting. The last part of the verse is “in all my ways acknowledge Him and He will show me the way, show me what He is doing, help me to understand. I cannot do anything on my own, I am declaring that to all who are reading this right now. Nor do I want to take one step without acknowledging my creator. I know with my whole heart that God created me, he loves me, formed me in my mothers womb and He is the keeper of all my days. He is the keeper of ALL of our days. He formed Reed in his mommy’s womb, He loves him even more then we do and is the keeper of Reed’s days. Acknowledging God and trusting that He knows what He is doing, waiting patiently for understanding can give us peace in this very hard time. Can we give Reed to Christ and trust Him with his whole life—who else’s arms would you want to place your child in. I place Reed is Christ Jesus’s arms of mercy.


  1. Cynthia, I heard your mom quote those verses many times. To hear you repeat them and apply them to your life and the difficult circumstances you and your family are living now is a beautiful testimony of what it means to live as a vital Christian...believing God...believing that what He says is true. Thank you. We continue to pray that He will give you strength to face each day resting in Him. Lynn and Barb

  2. Cynthia. Let's try this again. My first post disappeared??? I don't know what's going on with Reed but want you to know that I will be praying for him & all of you as you walk the journey you are on. I have been on a journey with breast cancer since late Dec and the verse that Papa (God) gave me to start /015 is 2 Thess 3:16 Ampl "Now may the Lord of Peace HIMSELF give you HIS peace at ALL times & in ALL ways under ALL circumstances and conditions, whatever comes. The Lord IS with you all." And He has been amazingly faithful to His character (of course but I'm still amazed!!!) at the reality of His peaceful presence every day of this journey. I'm praying that on this path He is carrying you all, that you will come to know by experience Him more intimately and that Papa will be more precious to you through it all! It was so good to see you at PLC at the last baptisms too. Hugs n prayers. Sue Heth
